BLIS Summerfest 2024

Come and join for this year’s BLIS Summerfest. 

Location: The Summerfest will be held at our BLIS-ful Bulldog Restaurant (cafeteria, 134 Hohestrasse) as well as the adjacent courtyard. 

Date and Time: 21st June from 15:00 to 20:00pm (The Primary school Graduation ceremony, Awards presentation and speeches will take place from 15:00 to 16:00pm)

Following the primary school graduation ceremony, the children and parents will be able to enjoy the following activities on offer, including prizes:

  • Basketball Game
  • Football Game
  • Bouncy Castle
  • Crane Game
  • Archery
  • Face Painting
  • Can Pyramid Toss
  • Spinning wheel
  • Karaoke

We will also offer an open bar with plenty of beverages for the children as well as for the adults, and a barbecue with various grill items. Parents will bring culinary delights from the country of their origin.

We look forward to seeing all of you at this tremendous festive event!

For any questions or queries, please feel free to contact us at .

Best regards,

The BLIS Team

BLIS Summerfest 2024